Segmenting Online Shoppers: A Study on Consumers Perception towards Purchase of Clothing from Online with Reference to Chennai

  • V Vinu Chakravarthi Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Sri Sankara Arts & Science College, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India
  • G Veeramani Professor and Head, Department of Business Administration, Sri Sankara Arts & Science College, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: E-commerce, online shopping, Clothing, consumer perception, reasons for buying online, Challenges in buying online


Increasing the consumer base is the principal target of every E-commerce companies and their marketing activities are primarily focused towards the same. Cash on delivery has played an important role in changing the consumer perception towards online shopping in a big way, discounted sales, and various value addition promotions had been instrumental in expanding the consumer base of the E-commerce portals. This study aims to know the consumers perception towards buying clothing from online as traditionally consumers were experienced with spending lot of time in choosing from the available options but online as provided a single window for the consumers to view multiple products and compare them and make their choice. For this purpose 425 samples have been collected and analyzed from Chennai

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How to Cite
Vinu Chakravarthi, V., & Veeramani, G. (2018). Segmenting Online Shoppers: A Study on Consumers Perception towards Purchase of Clothing from Online with Reference to Chennai. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 5(2), 118-127. Retrieved from