An Overview of Strategies in Marketing

  • V Revathi Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Agni School of Business Excellence, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India
  • D Harris Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Agni School of Business Excellence, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: strategies, business and success


In today business world marketing plays a dominate role. The survival of business depends uponmarketing and its new strategy.Enterprises have to redesign their marketing management practicesand its strategies continuously to improve and sustain in the competitive world. Marketing is nothingbut creating awareness about our products or services. The main aim of marketing is create a placefor our existing products or develop it. Marketing strategies involve the formulation and execution ofthe major goals of the concern and initiative the customer to buy the product of our concern. In thispaper we just explain the various strategies of marketing.

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How to Cite
Revathi, V., & Harris Kumar, D. (2017). An Overview of Strategies in Marketing. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 5(2), 173-188. Retrieved from