Public Investment Awareness towards Stock Markets

  • E Gopi Assistant Professor, Department of Management studies, Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, TamilNadu, India
  • V Joseph Paulraj Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Anna University of Madurai, TamilNadu, India


Financial assets are needed for the firm to carry on its business. Most of the assets are financedthrough selling pieces of paper called financial assets, instrument and securities. They have value inexchangebecause they are claims on the firm’s assets and to its future cash flow. Though it is initiallyfor the benefit of the firm but it will also become beneficial to the investor. The investor will grow asthe firm grows and simultaneously the economy is alsobenefited. Investment decisions of anindividual depend on his income and the amount of risk he or she is willing to take. Investing insecurities is the last option for some and for others they are not aware of share market. Regularity ininvesting, percentage of savings also has a major impact in choosing the investments. A study onPublic investment awareness gives an idea about investor’s choice and opinion about share marketand their awareness about it. The researcher used convenient sampling technique and descriptiveresearch design with an approximate sample size of 138 ( including investor and non-investor ). Areaof sampling is limited to ‘Tambaram’. Data collection has been done through questionnaire method.The finding of the research will be useful for the firm to understand the investors awareness add newstrategies to make more investors to invest.

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