Individual Spirit at Work in the New Business Paradigm

  • D Jaichitra Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, VELS University, Pallavaram, Chennai, TamilNadu, India
Keywords: spirit, meaningful work, community, spirit at work


Spirit at work is a discrete subject and it is being nurtured as a potential avenueexhibiting aparticular human experience. Spirit at work includes four components namely, cognitive, spiritual,communal and mystical element.It has been a frequent catchword of the media and popular press forthe most-recent years. Organizations considered as balanced and rational systems are consideringand creating a place for the spiritual factor, which has very less importance to do with rules,conventions rather than to do with need, meaning and interpersonal relationships. This article dealsabout the individual spirit at work and the study is to test for the multidimensional nature of Spirit at work.

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How to Cite
Jaichitra, D. (2017). Individual Spirit at Work in the New Business Paradigm. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 5(1), 38-44. Retrieved from