Framing Right Business Problem Statements

  • Geetha Swaminathan Research Scholar, Vels University
  • R Magesh Assistant Professor, DOMS, Anna University, Vels University, Chennai
Keywords: Problems, Problem Solving, Business problem statements, Framing Business Statements


In today’s fast moving environment towards globalization and retaining existing customers, most of the organisations are very keen in customer centricity As in the business scenario customers are havingmany problems in their business and Organisations are in the process of solving their problems. The first step in the problem solving is to identify and define the problem. Now team members who are rendering services to customers must possess mandate skill such as identifying problems and developing effective problem statements. Really speaking abusiness problemis regarded as the gap between the actual situation and desired situation. This means that in order to identify a problem, team members must know where itis meant to be and where it currently is and how to reach the desired state by solving the problem or filling the gap. This paper presentation explains the basic methods of framing effective business problem statements.

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How to Cite
Swaminathan, G., & Magesh, R. (2017). Framing Right Business Problem Statements. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 4(4), 49-52. Retrieved from