Brand Selection Attributes of Women Towards FMCG Products

  • V Raji Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting & Finance, Dharmamurthi Rao Bahadur Calavala Cunnan Chetty's Hindu College, Pattabiram, Chennai
  • V Darling Selvi Assistant Professor of Commerce, Rani Anna Government College for Women, Tirunelveli
Keywords: Attributes, Brand, Housewives, Market, Selection, Working Women


Women consumers are highly involved in marketing and these consumer structures as an important part of the Indian marketing. Significant information is available on the reasons behind male and female purchases with respect to residing place, age, education and income groups. The variables taken for brand selection aredate of manufacturing, medical value, freshness, company image, size available, price, herbal, package, advertisement, colour and taste. For the purpose of the study, the products like Tooth Paste, Health Drinks, Toilet soap, Cosmetics and Hair Care are considered. The data which has been collected from 250 housewives and 250 working women regarding their brand selection attributestowards FMCG product is analysed with the help of weighted average and correlation. On an overall assessment, it is assessed that the women whether working or at home prefer the FMCG products mainly on the basis of Date of manufacturing, Freshness and Medical Value. The women are least bothered about the Price, Advertisement, Colour and taste of the products

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How to Cite
Raji, V., & Darling Selvi, V. (2017). Brand Selection Attributes of Women Towards FMCG Products. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 4(3), 15-19. Retrieved from