Psychological Satisfactory Level of Employees Concerning Welfare Benefits and Organizational Effectiveness in Manufacturing Companies in Uragadam, Chennai

  • A Sindhiya Rebecca Assitant Professor, Sanghamam College of Arts and Science, Gingee
  • David Amirtharajan Head of the Department, PG Commerce, American College, Madurai
Keywords: Psychological Satisfactory, Welfare Benefits, Motivation, Employee Satisfaction, Organizational Effectiveness


Effectiveness of the organization depends on the psychological satisfaction of itsemployees.There are many factors for referring psychological satisfaction of employees inworkplace.For example components like working conditions, payment system, ,non-monetarybenefits, supervisor, peer group,promotion system , safety measures, productivity or target system,and the work itself. In this paper we have focused on the level of psychological satisfaction ofemployees in workplace concerning the welfare benefits received from their employer and it effectson organizational effectiveness.Employee’s psychological satisfaction is the terminology used todescribe whether employees are feeling contended,happy, fulfilling their needs at workplace. Thepsychological satisfaction regarding welfare benefits provided have a great impact directly on theorganizational effectiveness.

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How to Cite
Sindhiya Rebecca, A., & Amirtharajan, D. (2016). Psychological Satisfactory Level of Employees Concerning Welfare Benefits and Organizational Effectiveness in Manufacturing Companies in Uragadam, Chennai. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 4(2), 69-74. Retrieved from