Emotional Intelligence College among Teachers in Coimbatore

  • P Sripal Research Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Mannargudi, RajagopalaswamyArts and Science College, Mannargudi
  • T Paramasivan Head, Department of Business Administration, Mannargudi, Rajagopalaswamy Arts and Science College, Mannargudi
Keywords: Emotional intelligence, college teachers


The capacity to handle one’s own emotions and other people’s is termed emotional intelligence. The importance of the Intelligent Quotient during 20th century started to decline as lot of research is done in emotional intelligence quotient at the dawn of 21st century. The emotional intelligence of teacher is a crucial element for successful teachers. Teachers with high emotional intelligence level handle their own emotions effectively, particularly their negative emotions. The application and use of Emotional Intelligence is observed in everyday life of teachers in teaching and learning cycle for attaining success and satisfaction. The objectives of the studies were to study the experience related to Emotional Intelligence among teachers in private educational institution in Coimbatore and to examine the level of emotional intelligence among them based on gender, age, qualification and work experience. The important findings of the study were, higher overall emotional intelligence score of 4.03 implies that teachers in Coimbatore have high level of emotional intelligence. Self consciousness is the most important factor among the teachers.

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How to Cite
Sripal, P., & Paramasivan, T. (2016). Emotional Intelligence College among Teachers in Coimbatore. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 4(1), 1-5. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/management/article/view/1833