A Study on Work Life Balance among the Private PG School Teachers’ in Madurai City

  • K Navarathinam Associate Professor, R. L. Institute of Management Studies, Madurai
Keywords: School teachers, Work life balance, Emotional balance


Researchers and experts have focused on difficulty that working women face in balancing office work and household work to achieve some degree of work – life balance in today’s organizations. This research focuses on the problem of work – life balance and how it affects women employed as teaching professionals. It is an attempt to identify whether it is as easy as it is assumed for women to balance between work and life in the so – called conventionally suitable work – life balance.

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How to Cite
Navarathinam, K. (2016). A Study on Work Life Balance among the Private PG School Teachers’ in Madurai City. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 3(4), 46-53. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/management/article/view/1857