A Study on Destinations of ECO Tourism in Kerala

  • P Rajakumar Head, Department of Hotel Management and Catering Science, Udaya College of Arts and Science, Ammandivilai P.O, Kanyakumari
Keywords: Kerala Tourism, Eco tourism, Tourism industry


Tourism is a major engine of economic growth in most parts of the world. The immense potential of tourism is particularly relevant for developing nations like India. In respect of India the abundance of extremely serene environments and also quite a large number of religious locations is an additional attraction, unlike most other parts of the world. This favorable situation is more applicable in respect of Kerala state in Indian subcontinent, often referred to as ‘Gods own Country’ in view of its scenic locations and conducive geographic, climatic and other conditions. Along with the appreciable growth in tourism over the last two decades or more in India and the high growth prospects of the tourism industry. This paper analyzes the most visited destinations of ecotourism with reference to Kerala

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How to Cite
Rajakumar, P. (2016). A Study on Destinations of ECO Tourism in Kerala. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 3(3), 14-20. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/management/article/view/1861