HRM Practices Adopted by Hotels on Productivity of its Employees

  • A Saleem B. Sc, MBA, (Full Time Ph.D, Scholar), Department of Applied Research, Gandhigram University, Dindigul
  • A Balakrishnan M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D, Department of Applied Research, Gandhigram University, Dindigul
Keywords: Employment Practice, Employee Productivity, Human Resources, HRM


In the recent years, the word productivity has gained popularity in the business world. The problemof scarcity has a deep rooted impact on the economies of each and every business unit. Almost all organizations, either reactively or proactively, have become serious on issues related to labour productivity.

The characteristics of hotel industry make productivity management in this industry more difficult and challenging. However, the hotel industry cannot just sit over the problem and thus, have to find a gateway to deal with the issues of productivity management in hotels. Moreover, in the hotel industry product is in the form of service provided to the guests. Thus, enhancing productivity means, enhancing the service delivery process leading to greater guest satisfaction. This study is aimed at exploring the Productivity Management System adopted by the hotels along with the employment practices followed by them with an objective to analyze the impact of such employment practices on employee productivity. In an effort to do so, a survey in the form of a questionnaire and interviews was conducted from the sample comprising of 100 hotel employees from the management and the associates categories to understand their views on the subject. The responses received were represented graphically and analyzed using basic analytical tools. The findings of his research states that although the industry is concerned with the issues related to employee productivity, the implementation of the productivity management system is not very effective.

Also, there is positive impact of employment practices on employee productivity. Practices related to ‘Monetary Benefits’, ‘Work-life Balance’, ‘Training & Development, have the highest impact on enhancing employee productivity.

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