An Recent Impact of E-Marketing

  • G Kalaiamuthan Officer-in-charge, Assistant Professor in Commerce, Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Centre, SCSVMV University, Ramanathapuram


E-marketing means using digital technologies to help sell your goods or services. These technologies are a valuable complement to traditional marketing methods whatever the size of your company or your business model. The basics of marketing remain the same – creating a strategy to deliver the right messages to the right people. What has changed is the number of options you have. Though businesses will continue to make use of traditional marketing methods, such as advertising, direct mail and PR, e-marketing adds a whole new element to the marketing mix. Many businesses are producing great results with e-marketing and its flexible and cost-effective nature makes it particularly suitable for small businesses. This paper discusses the problem of impact of electronic environment on marketing process. In the first part, utilization of various tools and techniques is presented and analyzed. Second part of the paper is focused on challenges emerging in the new reality. Next part briefly discusses opportunities arising for marketers with electronic environment development. Finally conclusions are provided. Here the researchers have analyzed to find out the opportunities and challenges of E-marketing.

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