Managing Workplace Stress

  • V Selva Subashini Assistant Professor, Department of B.B.A., E.M.G. Yadava Women’s College, Madurai
  • S David Amritha Rajan Former Dean, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
Keywords: Workplace Stress, Causes of stress, Stages, Symptoms, Stress Prevention, Stress risk assessmen


Today workplace stress is becoming a major issue and matter of concern for the employees and the organizations. It has become a part of life for the employees, as life today has become so complex at home as well as outside that it is impossible to avoid stress and emotion. Experts opine that stress is the main cause for all the problems of the modern world that affects both the individual and organizational health. In the present-day competitive environment, all service oriented organizations believe their employees to be the most important assets of the company. Organizations recognize that stress management is a very essential and important tool for achieving bottom line growth. Organizations have to pay a very heavy price for stress because it affects productivity due to increased absenteeism, sick leave, medical costs, and high turnover rates. Indeed, recruiting and retaining employees are the major challenges for any organization today. Hence, the employer should identify the root cause of stress in the organization and provide a stress-free environment to the employees. Employer must organize stress management programs at the workplace, which should deal with employee’s physical and mental well-being.

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How to Cite
Selva Subashini, V., & David Amritha Rajan, S. (2014). Managing Workplace Stress. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 2(1), 70-74. Retrieved from