Global Marketing Prospectives

  • A Venkatraj Guest Faculty, Prims, Periyar University, Salem


Global marketing is the process of focusing the Resources and objectives of a company on Global marketing opportunities. companies engaging in a Global marketing for two reasons. To take advantage of opportunities for growth and Expansion and to survive. Companies fails to pursue global opportunities are likely to eventually lost their domestic markets because they will be pushed aside by stronger and more competitive global competitors. The topic presents certain prospective on global marketing issues, global strategies and global opportunities. A global market place has Emerged Many companies have recognized the rational of conducting business. Activities outside of the home country Industries that dominated today by a handful of global companies. This paper is about global marketing. An organisation that engages in global marketing focuses its resources on global market opportunities and threats. One difference between national marketing and global marketing is in the scope of activities. A company engages global marketing conducts important business activities outside of the home country of the market. Another difference is that global marketing involves an understanding of specific concepts, considerations and strategies that must be skilfully applied in conjunction with universal marketing fundamentals to ensure success in global markets. This paper attempts to throw light on certain dimensions on global marketing.

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