The Impact of Globalisation on the Quality of the Banking Services in Madurai District

  • M Santhi Assistant Professor of Commerce, M.K.U College
Keywords: globalization, developing economy, financial sector, global measures, banking system performance, Madurai district


The study sought to investigate the impact of globalization on the quality of products in a developing economy banking sector in Madurai city. The objectives of the research were to ascertain whether globalization helps to restore or maintain confidence in the banking sector; ensure a sound financial sector; helps to reduce fraudulent activities and whether the implementation of global measures improves the quality of products in the banking sector. The present study aims to explain the effects of globalisation on the banking system performance in Madurai.

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How to Cite
Santhi, M. (2013). The Impact of Globalisation on the Quality of the Banking Services in Madurai District. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 1(1), 103-109. Retrieved from