Android Vs iOS: Digital Wellbeing in Future and the Marketing Concerns

  • TS Anoop Teaching Associate, Post Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, India
Keywords: Digital Marketing, Marketing Concerns, Effects of Online advertisements, Digital Wellbeing


Day by day the investment in the online advertisement is increasing. The reach and dimensions of the digital platforms are rising as well. Here the major complications are related to human lives. A technology should always improve the human life rather than distracting it. The tech giants consider this threat as an opportunity and solving it by their new initiatives called Digital wellbeing by Google and Screentime by Apple. Here the researcher explaining it by the help of Secondary data sources and how it will affect the Digital marketers as well.

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How to Cite
Anoop, T. (2019). Android Vs iOS: Digital Wellbeing in Future and the Marketing Concerns. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 6(3), 10-14. Retrieved from