Explanatory Investigation of female entrepreneurship as a gender approach: Case of the Tunisian microenterprises

  • Wafa Mbarek Business Management, university Quassim, Saudi Arabia
  • Habib Affes Business Management, university Quassim, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Woman entrepreneur, gender issues, access to finance and to network, entrepreneurship training, reconciliation between family and professional life, entrepreneuriat, conciliation entre vie familiale et vie professionnelle


Women entrepreneurs are facing many problems and obstacles that significantly stand in their way and make it difficult for them to achieve their goals. Our survey was conducted using a sample of 60 women entrepreneurs. Through this research, we could build up a picture of female entrepreneurship in Tunisia. Our work focuses on the effect of some variables, such as access to financing and networking, entrepreneurship training, reconciliation between family and professional life and the gender approach, on the success of women entrepreneurs. We show the importance of integrating gender in entrepreneurship to better position women entrepreneurs for success

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How to Cite
Mbarek, W., & Affes, H. (2019). Explanatory Investigation of female entrepreneurship as a gender approach: Case of the Tunisian microenterprises. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 6(3), 61-73. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/management/article/view/298