Measurement of Quality of Work Life (QWL) among Employees in Madras Cement

  • P. Kannadas Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
  • K. Dhanalakshmi Assistant Professor in Business Administration, Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College (Autonomous), Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu
Keywords: QWL, satisfaction, effectiveness, stress


Quality of Work Life refers / alludes to a method by which an association reacts to representative necessities by creating instruments to permit them to share completely in settling on the choices that plan their lives at work. This exploration researches the relationship between Quality of Work Life (QWL), and an organization’s outcomes. The objectives of this research study are: (a) to explore and examine relationship among Quality of Work Life, and employee job-related
outcomes (b) to retain the employees within the organization. The standard framework supports continuous improvement by encouraging managers to evaluate the internal functions which shape their organizations, effectiveness. The employee’s satisfaction level is depends upon the quality of the work life. QWL is a ample concept which develops and incorporates a person's work related prosperity and the degree to which work encounters are fulfilling, satisfying and without stress and other contrary individual outcomes. A survey study methodology was adopted in this study by collecting a sample of 100 service deliverers to the employees in Madras Cement Industry. For this study, the simple random sampling method was applied to analyze the quality of work life. When framing the questionnaire 22 questions are considered with 5 point scaling. Questionnaires are distributed to the 100 employees and 100 questionnaires were returned. The SPSS software package is used to analyze and also to determine the reliability and validity of the framed questionnaire.

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How to Cite
Kannadas, P., & Dhanalakshmi, K. (2016). Measurement of Quality of Work Life (QWL) among Employees in Madras Cement. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 4(2), 144-160. Retrieved from