A Study on Job Satisfaction among Women Workers Working at Various Spinning Mills Located at Rajapalayam Taluk

  • P. Kannadas Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
  • V Kumaradeepan Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Einstein College of Engineering, Tirunelveli
Keywords: Technology, Education, Job Satisfaction, Motivation, Administration


Women in India today are equal and status to men the play a vital role in every walk of life the women who adopt a carrier in life are called working women the working all area like administration industry, technology, education and even army and politic. Modernized dimensions of knowledge and skills are added every day with an increased understanding of new variables & their interaction in the field of job satisfaction has become much more difficult to realize in the manufacturing sector. Women Employees have proved themselves equally successful in all fields as rightly mentioned by the father of scientific management Mr.F.W.Taylor's (1911) approach regarding to the term called job satisfaction which are based on a most sensible & basically gloomy philosophy that man is motivation by money alone not in cordial relationship with which the workers are essentially thoughtless & unflappable& such employees are being satisfied with their work only if they get
higher economic benefit from it. But with the passageway of Scientific Management Father Taylor's uniquely monetary approach has been transformed to a much more humanistic approach. Such new thoughts has followed up in the upcoming long way from a simple explanation based on not only wealth or money but also to a more realistic but complex approach to the concept called job satisfaction.
This research paper especially focuses on job satisfaction among women workers’ working at various spinning mills located at Rajapalayam Taluk.

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How to Cite
Kannadas, P., & Kumaradeepan, V. (2017). A Study on Job Satisfaction among Women Workers Working at Various Spinning Mills Located at Rajapalayam Taluk. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 4(3), 89-97. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/management/article/view/3211