Cloud-Based E-Governance in India

  • C Vijai Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research, Tamil Nadu, India
  • D Joyce Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Cloud Computing Services, ITC, India, E-Governance, Cloud Based E-Governance


In the current digital world, the Internet is changing our lives in terms of the way we work, learn, and interact. Cloud Computing has a platform for sharing resources that include infrastructures, software, applications; the cloud is the best way to integrate all departments using e-Governance and business. Many Governments facing critical challenges to maintain pending, unattended documents, reported to the authority, document proof of the statement, law, and order unable to solve over the year. Cloud-based e-governance plays a vital role in solve these issues helping to e-governance services. Citizens easily access government services and provide transparent activities with the help of cloud e-governance applications. This paper discusses cloud computing and cloud-based e-governance in India and to adopt cloud computing in e-Governance applications, challenges and also extended to the usage of cloud-based e-governance.

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How to Cite
Vijai, C., & Joyce, D. (2020). Cloud-Based E-Governance in India. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 8(2), 72-78.