A Study on Awareness and Opinion towards Social Entrepreneurship among Youngsters

  • T.T Karthik Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Research Centre Sourashtra College (A), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • T. P Ramprasad Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Research Centre Sourashtra College (A), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Social changes, Youth awareness, Indian economy, Business interest


Social entrepreneurship is derived through entrepreneurship that can also be called social changes through innovative ideas which collaborate business interest and social awareness, entrepreneurship not only considered on monitory profit it should also include social benefits, awareness towards this social entrepreneurship should develop the attitude to help social changes, it is important to know youth awareness towards social entrepreneurship which will enable the healthy development of Indian economy, in this study researcher objective is to measure the level of awareness among youth towards social entrepreneurship. Ninety-eight samples were collected from young business studies students from various colleges in the Madurai district. SPSS software has been used to find statistical inference.

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How to Cite
Karthik, T., & Ramprasad, T. P. (2021). A Study on Awareness and Opinion towards Social Entrepreneurship among Youngsters. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 8(4), 60-63. https://doi.org/10.34293/management.v8i4.3836