Impact of Surrogate Advertisement: An Unconventional and Revolutionary Tool of Marketers
Like making mountain out of a mole hill, if right form of advertising is done, we can make small things larger and put it in the right perspective in front of a customer. The customer will be so fascinated with the advertisement, that he will not get scope to realize that he has been completely bowled over. But it is a different thing that some ads are misleading and even sometimes done unethically to sale the prohibited products like tobacco and alcohol. Even some of the famous celebrities of filmdom and sports do not hesitate to endorse surrogate advertising. Direct advertising of the prohibited products has been banned by the govt because of which companies are forced to adopt surrogate advertising.
The current study has been undertaken to examine the useful and antagonistic effect of surrogate advertising on the youth of Bhubaneswar city with more than 100 responses.
Copyright (c) 2021 Debasish Rout, Somabhusana Janakiballav Mishra, Ashamayee Mishra, Vineet Mehta

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