Covid 19 and Indian Healthcare System: Are We Really Ready to Face the Global Pandemic

  • Saurav Kumar Assistant Professor, School of Management Sciences, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
Keywords: Pandemic, Covid 19, Health care system, India


The COVID-19 pandemic is worldwide wellbeing and financial emergency of a scale never saw. Starting in China, it has, inside a couple of months, crushed numerous nations throughout the planet, requiring an uncommon assembly of wellbeing frameworks. While the infection brought about by this novel infection is, for the most part, gentle and self-restricting, the danger of serious illness is lopsidedly great among old and those with basic ailments. Without an antibody or treatment, the general wellbeing techniques include: (a) forestalling transmission through early discovery and separation, following contacts and isolating them and execution of measures, for example, social removing and hand cleanliness and (b) decreasing mortality by enlarging clinical administration and protecting the weakest populaces in the general public. The pandemic is one more update. We need to put resources into general wellbeing, increase public abilities to recognize an illness early and react quickly to arising contaminations, fortify and regard our public establishments and depend on proof base for policymaking. Ample opportunity has already passed that we paid regard to these exercises and fortified immediately our wellbeing framework limit, as plagues and pandemics of this nature will keep on general testing wellbeing great into what’s to come. This paper attempts to comprehend the various parts of monetary difficulties looked at by the Indian medical services framework and devise the potential measures to beat the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in India. It investigations the present moment and conceivable long haul effect of this pandemic on the medical services area of India as far as productivity and value.

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How to Cite
Kumar, S. (2021). Covid 19 and Indian Healthcare System: Are We Really Ready to Face the Global Pandemic. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 9(2), 1-8.