Quality of Work-Life Balance among Working Professionals

  • K J Vinodini Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9413-1199
Keywords: Quality of work-life balance, Recognition, Emotions, Intellectual, Energy, Imagination, productivity


The study concentrates on the working professional’s real quality work life at an organisation. So, the research aims in identifying and examining the influences on the provision of Work-Life Balance in an organisation. A balanced life is one where people spread energy, effort, emotional, intellectual, imagination, spiritual in crucial areas. The neglect of one or the other may threaten the vitality of the whole research. If the quality of work-life is stable, productivity will increase, so it is necessary to understand the perspectives of Work-Life Balance concerning the employees and total work environment. The study follows a descriptive research design, and the sample size is determined using the formula. The pilot study helped to make necessary changes in the questionnaie. The data collection includes both primary and secondary sources. The statistical tools such as percentage analysis, ANOVA, Chi-square, Interval estimation and correlation is performed. The findings and suggestions are being valuable sources for the betterment of organisational development. It concludes that, although the working professionals seek work/life balance, this concern for career draws them into a situation where they can work increasingly for long hours and seek perfect balance in work pressure than before. As several previous studies have shown, both qualities of work-life and work-life balance are multidimensional constructs. And the provision of work-life balance varies between organisations. In contrast, some organisations provide a comprehensive range of work-life balance, while others do not

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How to Cite
Vinodini, K. J. (2021). Quality of Work-Life Balance among Working Professionals. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 9(2), 65-72. https://doi.org/10.34293/management.v9i2.4305