Drafting Out the Association Shared by CSR and Innovative Performance of the Firms:- The Intervening Role of Employee Collaboration

  • Ms Kavita Maheswari
  • Dr Alok Kumar Sahai
Keywords: CSR, Internal, External, Affective Atmosphere, Innovation, Knowledge Sharing, Societal Welfare, Stakeholders, Philanthropy, Collaboration, Greenwashing, Motivation


Introduction: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has gained momentum for its ability to predict firm performance and achieve long-term growth. However, to cope up with rapidly developing global economic situation, significant changes in internal CSR implementation and management along with employee collaboration is required.
Background: For being more productive and goal-oriented internal CSR practices, organizations should include employees. It will improve people’s impulse and invoke a responsible response for knowledge sharing for the innovative performance of the firm.
Purpose: The current study aims at outlining the intervening role of employee collaboration for enhancing the interaction between CSR and innovative performance of the firms.
Findings: Affective commitment and knowledge sharing are two variables that are directly proportional to each other. Training and development are directly contributing to the innovative performance of firms and for that affective commitment and knowledge sharing must be done.

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How to Cite
Kavita Maheswari, M., & Alok Kumar Sahai, D. (2022). Drafting Out the Association Shared by CSR and Innovative Performance of the Firms:- The Intervening Role of Employee Collaboration. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 9(S1-Feb), 117-131. https://doi.org/10.34293/management.v9iS1.4852