Tourism Entrepreneurial Development and Flight Frequency at a Destination: Case Study of Chennai Airport, Tamilnadu

  • Dr. S.B. Sathiya Moorthi Principal, Meenakshi Arts and Science College, Dindigul
  • A. Sebastian Shalvin Assistant Professor, Department of Catering & Hotel Management, Hindusthan College of Arts Science, Coimbatore
Keywords: Air Transport, Tourism Entrepreneurial Development, Flight Frequency, Tourist Destination


This paper evaluates the job of flight recurrence on the travel industry enterprising advancement in Chennai air terminal, Tamilnadu. The air transport industry in other Asian nations is becoming more grounded and advances the travel industry pioneering improvement. Nations, for example, China, Singapore, Malaysis and Japan have created solid air transport organize which is essential in the travel industry advancement. Then again, numerous Asian nations, India comprehensive are attempting to grow such air transport organize which straightforwardly influences the travel industry innovative advancement. Organizations, for example, travel offices, visit administrators, ground handlers, and air terminals are very relying upon carrier’s activity to endure. While trying to break down the situation in the travel industry between carrier’s recurrence and the travel industry pioneering improvement there was a proportion of connection between the two consequently the work of quantitative methodology notwithstanding top to bottom meetings directed with aircraft, travel, and visit tasks chiefs to analyze the outcomes. The examination uncovered that carriers have a crucial job in the travel industry pioneering advancement and that without aircrafts working, numerous organizations would not have existed and should all aircrafts quit working in the nation, numerous organizations would stick to this same pattern. The examination likewise found out that high recurrence of flights at a goal implies more chances and income for the travel industry business people.

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How to Cite
Sathiya Moorthi, D. S., & Sebastian Shalvin, A. (2022). Tourism Entrepreneurial Development and Flight Frequency at a Destination: Case Study of Chennai Airport, Tamilnadu. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 9(S1-Mar), 158-163.