An Overview of Skill Gap and Development in India

  • YT Shahida Banu Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India
  • R Angamuthu Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of Commerce (Deputed), Government Arts College, Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Skill Gap, Cognitive, Technical, Interpersonal, Workforce


The paper aims to understand the skill gap and its development methods for the present and future India and human resources executives to identify the human resources with the adequate skill level. Skill is a knack and talent acquired through systematic and sustainable effort to carry out the complex work or job in a simple method or function involving cognitive, technical knowledge and interpersonal skills. Primarily these skills are developed through training and experience and can be learned using the sensory inputs and outputs. In the Indian context, skilling has emerged as a buzzword because it has taken a significant step in realising the workforce’s potential by enhancing its employability. This paper will discuss the mismatches in analysing skilled labour and its development methods.

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How to Cite
Shahida Banu, Y., & Angamuthu, R. (2022). An Overview of Skill Gap and Development in India. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 10(1), 9-12.