Private Label Brands Endearing Over National Brands: An Elaborated Empirical Review

Keywords: Private Label Brands, National Brands, Consumer Experience, Hypermarkets


Consumers are always given the option of choice, products are delivered in comfort as per the desire, and consumer experience and expectations were handled by the retailer. These value additions give a cutting edge to one retailer over the other. These value additions influence the consumers to prefer one retailer over the other and choose private vs national brands. This research actively investigated the reasons influencing consumer purchase decisions of Private Label Brands over the National brands and also to identify the most preferred store Private Label Brands among the hyper Chains in Bengaluru city. The study is conducted across all the hypermarket chains in Bengaluru city. The sample size considered for the consumer survey is 600 which has been divided in quota sampling among the hyper store chains in Bengaluru city. The influence of Service Perceived variable on the consumer preferences over Private label brands over national brands stands highest and the most accepted Private label brand preference was identified from More Mega mart as compared to other retail stores in the market. 

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How to Cite
Bhagat, S., & Ravi, S. S. (2022). Private Label Brands Endearing Over National Brands: An Elaborated Empirical Review. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 10(2), 70-73.