Assessing the Effects of Tannery Pollutants in Tamilnadu: Special Reference to Chennai City

  • S John Sundar Assistant Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Sacred Heart College ( Autonomous), Tirupattur
Keywords: Environmental Pollution, Tannery Water Pollution


A study was carried out to assess the chromium content of groundwater in the vicinity of tanneries in a district of Chennai, southern India. The common effluent treatment plant (CETP) treats the sewage from these tanneries before releasing it into open drains that connect to the neighbouring Adyar River. Tanneries are one of the industries that significantly contribute to pollution in the Chennai district. Chennai, the study region famous for having an airport in the district, is a rapidly urbanising area. There are many tanneries in the vicinity, and their effluents frequently impact the nearby land and water since they are not treated. The chemicals that lead to the area’s degradation have been identified by chemical analysis of the collected water samples.

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How to Cite
John Sundar, S. (2024). Assessing the Effects of Tannery Pollutants in Tamilnadu: Special Reference to Chennai City. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 11(iS1-Jan), 90-93.