Influence on Entrepreneurship Ability

  • S Sathiya Priya Assistant Professor, Shri Krishnaswamy College for Women, Anna Nagar, Chennai
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Characteristics, Entrepreneurship, Behavior, Ability


Entrepreneurship is today a widely used phrase, however, not all entrepreneurs are able to achieve success in their commercial ventures. This study discusses entrepreneurs and identifies three key qualities associated with entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs possess key attributes such as tenacity, determination, self-confidence, and a strong drive for accomplishment, which enable them to acquire the essential skills needed to navigate the commercial landscape. Prior to commencing an entrepreneurial venture, entrepreneurs should capitalise on a suitable opportunity. Identifying opportunities is crucial in the realm of entrepreneurship. Acquiring essential resources, such as financial and human resources, is also crucial. The last stage involves harmonising opportunity, resources, and team dynamics to ensure the smooth and prosperous operation of the entrepreneurial venture.

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How to Cite
Sathiya Priya, S. (2024). Influence on Entrepreneurship Ability. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 11(iS1-Jan), 119-124.