Spy Leadership in India from Mauryan Empire to Modern Era

  • S Kanchana Associate Professor & Head of Department, Department of Management Studies, J.J.College of Engineering & Technology, Trichy
Keywords: Spy Leadership, Modern Era, Leadership, Organization, Leaders, India, Mauryan Empire


For over many years, the term Leadership has been a subject of debate within the area of Management. As we all know, many great leaders have lost their position and their lives too because of betrayal of people around them. So, we propose Spy leadership is also required in this current competitive scenario inspite of various leadership styles. Based on our approach, this paper provides the existence of spies from ancient India and also the importance of this Spy leadership in this modern era to analyze individuals and retain true and right persons for various position in an organization. This paper also highlights the existence of spy leadership and usage of technological surveillance to monitor employees. Hence, the researchers have chosen this topic to study about the existence and importance of this Spy Leadership from Mauryan Empire to modern era.

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How to Cite
Kanchana, S. (2024). Spy Leadership in India from Mauryan Empire to Modern Era. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 11(iS1-Jan), 150-155. https://doi.org/10.34293/management.v11iiS1-Jan.7157