A Study on Exploring Digital Transformation in Logistics Service Providers: Challenges, Key Success Factors, and Best Practices with special reference to Aaj Enterprises Pvt Ltd

  • Ankireddy Manjunadh II - MBA, Department of Management Studies, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai
  • G Manoj Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai
Keywords: Digital Transformation, Logistics Service Providers, Technology Adoption, Cyber Security, Customer Experience


Digital transformation in logistics Advancements in digital technology are transforming the logistics sector, leading to innovative ways of transporting, handling, and distributing goods globally. This study focuses on the challenges and strategies related to digital transformation among logistics service providers (LSPs). Challenges Facing LSPs. Modern LSPs encounter various challenges in the digital age, including Outdated infrastructure, complex data management, cybersecurity threats, a lack of skilled talent, and regulatory compliance, Key Success Factors: To succeed in digital transformation, LSPs should prioritize Strong and forwardthinking leadership Focusing on customer needs, Collaboration with stakeholders Allocating resources to enhance technology infrastructure. This analysis combines industry knowledge and case studies to pinpoint the most effective strategies for logistics service providers (LSPs) to excel in the digital age. LSPs can significantly enhance operational efficiency, customer experiences, and competitive advantage by implementing these best practices, which include leveraging data analytics, utilizing IoT devices, optimizing delivery routes using AI, and boosting supply chain visibility with blockchain technology. LSPs can adapt to the shifting dynamics of digitalization by comprehending and integrating its principles, opening up fresh prospects, addressing challenges, and establishing themselves for ongoing success in the increasingly digitized logistics environment.

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