The Impact of UPI on Indian Banking System

  • Dharam Dev Student, Department of MBA Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Keywords: Transactional Data, Financial Inclusion, Unified Payments Interface (UPI)


With the advent of Unified Payment Interface (UPI) technology, the Indian banking system has ushered in an era of transformation. This study examines the impact of UPI on the Indian banking system to comprehensively examine the multifaceted impact of this innovative payment infrastructure. This study aims to explore the significant impact of UPI implementation by in-depth analysis of financial institutions’ data, user transactions and regulatory frameworks. Research methods include quantitative and qualitative approaches. Transaction data is quantitatively analyzed to identify patterns, trends and changes in the volume and nature of transactions facilitated by UPI. Qualitatively, user perceptions and experiences are explored through surveys and interviews, providing nuanced insights into evolving user behavior and satisfaction. The main thrusts of the study include the impact of UPI on transaction efficiency, financial inclusion, security framework and overall compatibility of the banking system. In addition, this study aims to evaluate the challenges faced by banks in the implementation and integration of UPI and the strategic measures adopted to reduce these challenges. This study aims to contribute to the academic debate on the intersection of financial technology and banking systems by combining findings from various sources. The result is expected to provide valuable insights to policymakers, financial institutions and technology developers, providing a comprehensive understanding of how UPI is reshaping the Indian banking industry. Ultimately, this study informs strategic decision-making processes and promotes a proactive approach to maximizing the potential of UPI for the benefit of financial service providers and end-users.

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How to Cite
Dev, D. (2024). The Impact of UPI on Indian Banking System. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 11(S1-Mar), 17-25.