Article Submission Fee
- Shanlax International Journal of Management (SIJMgt) requires an Article Submission Fee (ASF) for each article at submission step.
- ASF is not a publication fee nor it guarantees the acceptance/publication of the article. Each article should undergo a rigorous double blind peer-review after the submission.
- Please note that paying the ASF effects neither the evaluation process of the manuscript nor priority.
- ASF is 50% refundable in case the article is rejected / declined by the Journal.
- ASF is non-refundable in case the article is withdrawn by the author(s) at any step of evaluation/publication.
- From September 1, 2024, Article Submission Fee are Rs.2000 for Indian authors and $50 for the authors outside from India.
- SIJMgt does not collect any charges from the Author for their article publication.
- SIJMgt allows 20% waiver to the authors based in low-income countries