A Study on Occupation Related Health Problems among Agriculture Workers in Theni District
Agriculture is considered to be one of the oldest occupations, perhaps as old as human civilization. Agriculture is the mainstay of Indian economy, has been and will continue to be the life line of the Indian economy at least in the foreseeable future. The health status of agricultural workers in rural is lower than in urban in Theni district. Agricultural work is subject to the health risks inherent to a rural environment and at the same time to those deriving from the specific work process involved. This sector of activity being most unorganized, very little attention has been givento the occupational health problems of these workers. Besides the normal health problems, agricultural workers, in general suffer from certain specific health hazards due to extensive use of fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides and mechanization. The increasing use of chemicals and biological agents with hazard potential unknown to people; the in discriminate use of agro chemicals including pesticides, agricultural use of agro chemicals including pesticides, agricultural machineries and equipment, and their impact on health and safety of exposed population; pose serious safety and health risks for agricultural workers. The conditions of farmers in Tamil Nadu seem to be very unpleasant and therefore farmers do not want their children to continue farming and as farmer of Tamilnadu also face health hazards due to pesticide and insecticides used by farmer for the good yield. Government has to take step in educating farmers regarding the risk of pesticides and other problems involved in agriculture and create awareness program in order to avoid a major occupational hazards related to agriculture.

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