A Study on Health-Seeking Behaviour among Agriculture Workers in Theni District
Agriculture, the largest private enterprises in India, has been and will continue to be the lifeline of the Indian economy at least in the foreseeable future. Approximately 2 billion people are engaged in agriculture and related work in the developing countries of Asia, whereas the developed countries contribution is merely 100 millions. Agriculture workers (AWs) are the main pillars for growth and development of this sector. Agricultural work issubject to the health risks inherent to a rural environment and at the same time to those deriving from the specific work process involved. The health status of agricultural workers in rural is lower than in urban in Theni district. The drift of the population to cities has contributed to a concentration of health services in large urban areas, resulting in an imbalance in the distribution of health resources to the detriment of the rural sector. Health seeking behaviour in terms of illness behaviour refers to those activities undertaken by individuals in response to symptom experience. Health seeking behaviour is influenced by a large number of factors apart from knowledge and awareness.Public health care centers are located in far off places and it takesmore time to reach, people do not prefer public health care centers. Lack of personal attention and poor quality of treatment are reasons for the agriculture workers to avoid public health care centers.The researcher enquired about the reasons for rejecting government hospital. The important reasons considered for not preferring a government hospital are poor services, hospitals not easily accessible and not convenient, no specialist departments, poor hygiene, poor attention and many other disadvantages. The researcher also enquired about the reasons for selecting private hospital.Agricultural workers had a multitude of health problems. Efforts to increase health-related knowledge and skills to facilitate decisions to seek appropriate health care service should be emphasized as a key component of primary health care.

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