A Study on Awareness and Enrolment of Health Insurance Schemes among Agriculture Workers in Theni District, Tamil Nadu
Agriculture is considered to be one of the oldest occupations, perhaps as old as human civilization. The health status of agricultural workers in rural is lower than in urban in Theni district. The drift of the population to cities has contributed to a concentration of health services in large the rural sector. Limited funds are available, in particular in preventive and primary health care, those areas where a greater impact could be made among the rural populations. Small rural health centres often find it difficult to attract and retain the stand. The deterioration of the health status in rural areas increases progressively the greater the distance from urban centres.Insurance provides protection against risks or uncertain events and is based on the principle that what is highly unpredictable to an individual is predictable to a group of individuals.The health insurance is a vital method of financing the spiraling costs of medical care. The high cost of hospital services coupled with the unpredictability of health needs and the inadequacy of personal savings is the primary reason for the growing importance of insurance as a means of financing health services. More than half of the Agriculture workers are unaware of health insurance schemes and there are almost a low number of workers who are aware of health insurance schemes. Lack of publicity of varioushealth insurance schemes happens to be an important factor resulting in this situation. It is suggested that the Government should review the Life Insurance Corporation and Medi claim policies, improve them and give a wider publicity so that some kind of insurance is available to the general population.

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