Quality and Shelf Life Assessment of Snack Food Prepared from Co-Precipitate

  • G M Sivakumar Assistant Professor, Department of Livestock Products Technology (Dairy Science)Madras Veterinary College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
  • B Dhanalakshmi Assistant Professor, Department of Livestock Products Technology (Dairy Science)Madras Veterinary College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
Keywords: Physico-chemical characteristics, sensory properties, microbiological quality, snack food


This research was conducted to assess the physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of snack food prepared fromco-precipitate andstoredunder room temperature condition. A recipe for snack foods was standardized containing co-precipitate, corn flour, salt at 75, 25 and 1.5% respectively. The Standardized recipe of snack foodwas taken as control; Treatment-I (1.5% chilli powder) and Treatment-II (1.5% masala powder) were added. Results revealed that, the snack food prepared with 1.5% chilli powder was found to be optimum with physico-chemical, and sensory attributes, so which was further subjected to assess the microbiological properties at ambient temperature for 10days.The protein content has showed progressively raising trend whereas fat content was significantly (P<0.01) reduced in all the preparation of snack foods. The microbiological properties of the control and treated product had showed significant (P<0.01) difference and the product is microbiologically safe upto 10 days at room temperature.

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