Studies on Enhancing the Shelf Life of Raw Milk using Herbal Extracts

  • G M Sivakumar Assistant Professor, Department of Livestock Products Technology (Dairy Science)Madras Veterinary College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
  • B Dhanalakshmi Professor, Department of Livestock Products Technology (Dairy Science)Madras Veterinary College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences Universit
Keywords: Betel leaves, Clot on boiling test, titratable acidity, standard plate count


A study was conducted to assess the efficacy of betel leaf extract in extending the shelf life of raw milk. Raw milk collected hygienically from an organized dairy farm was assessed by addition of aqueous extracts of betel leaves at different concentrations viz., 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 per cent and studied for physico-chemical parameters at regular intervals at 37 °C. It was found that addition of aqueous extract of betel leaves extracts at 0.5 per cent (v/v) extended the shelf life of raw milk by 5 hours by clot on boiling test. There was a controlled increase in titratable acidity in the milk samples added with 0.5%, 0.75% and 1% level of betel leaves extract. The Statistical analysis of data revealed thatacidity, standard plate count of the aqueous extract ofbetel leaves treated raw milk showed highly significant difference (P ≤0.01) between treatments from 2ndhour of storage periodand within the treatments at different hours of storage

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