Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Method in Teaching Tamil

  • J Augustus Richard Assistant Professor, PPG College of Education, Coimbatore
  • S Ramprabhu Assistant Professor, PPG College of Education, Coimbatore
Keywords: three-language-formula, emotional, cognitive, social development, Union Territory


In India, the ‘three-language-formula’ was implemented for decades ago in order to bring the national integration, intra-state, inter-state and international communication effectively. According to ‘three-language-formula’, the language teaching has categories as follows: The first language to be studied must be the mother tongue or the regional language. The second language will be some other modern Indian languages or English for Hindi speaking States, and Hindi or English for non-Hindi speaking States. The third language will be English or a modern Indian language, which is not studied as the second language for both Hindi speaking and non-Hindi speaking States. Hence, it is clear that the first language that is, the mother tongue or the regional languageshould be given importance than that of other two categories. This paper exhibits the innovative method of teaching Tamil language and its impact on students. The investigator adopted experimental method to study the effectiveness of cooperative learning.The t-test was perform to find the mean differences between the group and inference were made on its basis.

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