Social Conditions as Epistemic Justification

  • S Lourdunathan Associate Professor & Head, Department of Philosophy, Arul Anandar (Autonomous) College, Karumathur, Madurai
Keywords: Epistemic Justification, Cartesian-Kantian Syndrome, pragmatic, verificationism, epistemic-moral, colonializing


The present paper entitled Epistemic justification and Social Conditions as Epistemic Justification, aims to expose the practical social interests of institutionalizing the modernist paradigms of knowledge and its alleged truth-conditions by means of which dispelling the other status of knowledge as misnomer leaving behind undue hegemony of positivistic, capitalistic, industrialist, and technocratic types/forms of knowledge. The paper further tries to argue that the result of modernist version on the status of knowledge as authentic condition of truth, in turn resulted in specific practices of domination and subordination. The modern trends of ontologizing knowledge (knowledge have structures independent perceiving mind and the social conditions) as objective and benchmarking its criterion as empirical-rational (Cartesian-Kantian Syndrome) with in modernity (isomorphic) and treating knowledge as productive (pragmatic) in fact veils a specific logic of domination for subordination of the fragile-Other.

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