Health Hazards of Industrial Workers: Preventive Measures

  • A Sangamithra Professor, Department of Economics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • P Sindia Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Liberalization, Globalization, Health, Safety, Services


Workers in every occupation face a multitude of hazards in the work place - occupational health and. Safety addresses the broad range of workplace hazards from accident prevention to the more insidious hazards, including toxic fumes, dust, noise, heat, stress, etc. Preventing workrelated diseases and accidents must be the goal of occupational health and safety programs. The occupational health service is a link in the work organization. Human life is high in the hierarchy of values for the health professions. Health is a major determinant of the quality of life. Societal values have greater importance in the world of labor, with its complex informal and formal social structures. The cultural values of both workers and the community at large have to be considered. Present-day technology is a valuable asset if its limitations are understood. Computers and their software already provide thoroughly tested systems of data recording, processing, retrieval, and analysis, obviating the need for other records and occupational health services. The occupational illness burden is growing at an increasing rate. The profile of occupational illness has also been modified over a period due to modernization, liberalization, and globalization. Trained human resources in the field of occupational health and safety are far below the requirement. Hence, there is an urgent need for framing suitable policy, developing newer strategies, and developing our knowledge about occupational health and safety measures. Traditional training in occupational health needs to be supplemented with modern techniques.

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