From Greenwashing to Green Branding: Navigating the Thin Line

  • Shilpa Ajay Professor & Head Department of Management Studies NITTE Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore
  • H Lakshmi Associate Professor Department of Management Studies NITTE Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore
  • H K Keerthi Assistant Professor Department of Management Studies NITTE Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore
Keywords: Sustainable Branding, Greenwashing, Authentic Sustainability, Corporate Responsibility, Environmental Transparency


This article explores the complex process of transitioning from greenwashing to establishing a genuinely green brand, acknowledging the growing importance of authenticity in corporate sustainability efforts. Through a holistic approach, companies are urged to conduct comprehensive sustainability audits, set clear and measurable goals, and communicate transparently about past practices. The journey entails substantial investments in sustainable practices, third-party certifications, and employee engagement, emphasizing the collaborative nature of sustainable efforts. Product transparency, long-term commitment, and innovation emerge as pivotal components, ensuring companies not only rectify past mistakes but also contribute meaningfully to global sustainability. This transformative journey, outlined with ten actionable steps, positions companies as genuine champions of environmental responsibility.

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