Human Resources-Latest Technology Trends

  • Y Umesh HOD and Assistant Professor in Commerce, GFGC, HSR Layout, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Technology, adapt swiftly, HR, employee, employer


Rapid changes in technology have affected businesses in more ways than we can count, from globalization and organizational adjustments to a workforce clamoring for remote and mobile job opportunities -and human resources has had to adapt swiftly. If HR wants to continue to play a critical role in helping businesses anticipate and manage organizational change, it must have technology at its core.

With Millennials making up more than half of the current workforce- and predicted to make up 75 percent by 2020 - HR is going to have to embrace and build on technological advancements to meet both employee expectations and business requirements. Talent analytics and workplace analysis will become more commonplace, and companies using the data available to them will be far more competitive.

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