A Study on Occupational Stress Among the Female Employees of Southern Railway – with Special Reference to Madurai Division

  • K Jecintha Sathiyavathi Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, NMSS Vellaichamy Nadar College, Nagamalai, Madurai
  • M Muthupandi Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Sourashtra College, Madurai
Keywords: Occupational Health Strategies, Occupational Safety and Health, Psychosocial Risks and Occupational Health Services


Provision of occupational health services assumes a basic job in employee maintenance, inspiration and job fulfillment. Work related health and wellbeing needs of railway women employees in India have not gotten the due consideration. Absence of far reaching framework for investigation and scarcity of logical writing regarding the matter is a bottleneck for plan and implementation of powerful provisions around the subject. The work conditions and the idea of work environment influence the health of employees. Factors, for example, temperature, sound, vibration, and so on essentially decide the quantum and sort of work-related ailments and wounds which occur because of unavoidable collaboration between the physical–physiological frameworks of a person with the outer specialists at work. Occupational security and health (OSH) is the study of expectation, acknowledgment, assessment and control of risks emerging in or from the workplace that could hinder the health and wellbeing of workers. Other than work-related clutters, it additionally includes all logical factors that influence health inside a work environment. The rail industry trusts it can accomplish more noteworthy business and industry benefits by working together on health and wellbeing. Discover progressively about how the industry is meeting up through the industry guide, point explicit groups, health and wellbeing information and numerous different areas of development. There are various psychosocial issues common in the Southern Railway Madurai Division that impact on women workers' health and wellbeing. Work-related brutality, solitary working, sporadic working design and related weakness seem, by all accounts, to be the most stressful. It is significant for transport management to know about the scope of factors that can possibly cause stress. Sufficient techniques for evaluating and lessening psychosocial risks must be implemented in the workplaces. These incorporate bringing issues to light of psychosocial issues among directors and workers to advance a culture in which workers effectively raise potential stressors to management, setting up satisfactory help instruments (work plan, social help networks and preparing). Hence, the present study has been focused on the well-being status of the women employees of Southern Railway – Madurai Division and study based on both primary and secondary sources of data collections. 

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