Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Behaviour in Modern Era

  • N Kavitha Associate Professor, Department of Commerce (PA), KPR College of Arts Science and Research, Uthupalayam, Tamil Nadu, India
  • G Saran Department of Commerce (PA), KPR College of Arts Science and Research, Uthupalayam, Tamil Nadu, India
  • G Vignesh Ram Department of Commerce (PA), KPR College of Arts Science and Research, Uthupalayam, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Consumer, Buying Behavior, Decision Making, Factors Influencing, Buyer’s Black Box, Consumer Decision Making, Buyer’s Attitude


Consumer behavior refers to the buying attitude of the buyer at the time of purchasing the product. A seller to be succeeded in his business must analyze the consumer behavior. Analyzing consumer behavior is alone will not lead for the success the seller must also analyze by what factors the consumer’s buying behavior is influenced. This study is made to bring out the factors which indulge the consumers to buy a product. This study also brings into light the about the buyer’s black box model which helps the buyers to analyze the consumers decision making process. This paper brings into vision about the various factors in a detailed view by using the secondary data. This is a descriptive study which helps us to understand the buyer’s attitude, tastes and preferences.

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