Students’ Challenges to Speak EFL Skills: A Comparative Study Focused on Selected Private & State Elementary Schools of Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia

  • Amanuel Yonas Wodebo Lecturer in the English Language, Arba Minch University, Ethiopia
Keywords: EFL speaking skill, Challenges, Efficiency, State schools, Private schools, Practice


Background: Mastering English speaking skills can not only bring people to be able to communicate with others, but also bring positive impact on students’ academic performance.

Objective:, The main purpose of this comparative study was to investigate into grade 8 students’ challenges of academic performance in EFL speaking skills.

Methods: Each school of the targeted grades had 3 sections which encompassed 50 students. The informants therefore were sampled students and all EFL teachers. Thus, systematic sampling technique was employed to select 24 informants among the whole population of 300 students. Whereas, the EFL teachers, which were 4 in the year 2019 G.C., comprehensibly taken as participants of the study due to their manageable number of the entire population. A mixed research approach was employed via the tools questionnaire, interview and classroom observation. Then, quantitative data were analyzed in percentages; while qualitative were thematically organized and categorized in a form of statement.

Findings: Finally, conclusion and recommendations were drawn based on the findings which were underpinned in particular and common challenges that drew back students’ EFL oral skills in each school. Problems related to curriculum and stakeholders of the school to fulfil every facility were particular challenges affected state school students’ EFL speaking skills. However, problems related to teachers and teaching aids challenged private school students’ EFL speaking efficiencies. Meanwhile, Psychological and social factors commonly affected both of the institution students’ EFL speaking skills.

Conclusion and Recommendations: Therefore, the curriculum should consider EFL programs at first levels (grades 1-4) in all state schools. Besides, stakeholders of state schools should provide audiovisual materials and consider infrastructure. Training should be given for teachers as to   how to maneuver audiovisual materials and foster  EFL skills. Moreover, parents of the students should stay in touch with the schools’ community following up every performance of their children. On the other hand, private schools’ stakeholders should halt the flux of EFL teachers providing proportional incentives for their effort. Finally, teachers should encourage their students during practice and adapt fraternal approach.

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How to Cite
Wodebo, A. (2019). Students’ Challenges to Speak EFL Skills: A Comparative Study Focused on Selected Private & State Elementary Schools of Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia. Shanlax International Journal of English, 8(1), 19-26.