A Study on English Literature in the Digitalized Era

  • A. Shanmugaraja Assistant Professor of English, St. Xavier's College, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli TNd
Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, Virtual Learning Environment, Electronic Media, Quality-based Study, Learning Aids, Gen-Z and English Literature, Language


The utilization of technology in different fields has been so fruitful and advantageous for teachers to arrive at some specific objectives particularly in education and for the individuals who are learning a remote language and literature. In each progression of our lives the hugeness of technology is seen and delighted in nowadays. Communication has never been so effectively accessible and fun. "The boundary of area for individuals in various pieces of the world has been expelled by the absolute most recent technologies, for example, the web, internet, cell phones, for example, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA's), iPhone and so forth". Electronic technologies and incredible internet connections provide different new possibilities for the development of educational technology. English is the main language that has pulled in many individuals around the globe, generally because of the globalization. Notwithstanding globalization, the enthusiasm for the worldwide exchange, logical resources accessible in English and advantages in that capacity together with the enthusiasm for literature are among different reasons liable for the overall intrigue in learning English language and literature. So it tends to be said that English language and literature has become a perfect technique for articulation of sentiments and utilizing the technology. Students learn quicker and simpler than before in light of the utilization of technology in educational organizations. It is very evident that English has become a need today. The principle thought this paper is concerned which is thinking about the functional utilizations of ICT and VLE in learning English language and literature, besides it is attempted to assess quality dependent on a systematic approach as well. The quick technological progress in the most recent years has heralded another era in our comprehension of promoting literacy and introduced a portion of the benefits of utilizing ICT and VLE in the homeroom in the present era of information blast in which many parts of our lives have experienced emotional changes. Hence, the present study has been done to give an overview about English literature in the digitalized era. It includes both teaching and learning processes of English literature in the digitalized era and it is a descriptive based secondary sources study.

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How to Cite
Shanmugaraja, A. (2017). A Study on English Literature in the Digitalized Era. Shanlax International Journal of English, 5(4), 100-112. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/english/article/view/2969