Advantage to Engineering College Libraries in the Digital ERA

  • Dr. Eswaran Librarian, Government Polytechnic College, Purasawalkam, Chennai
  • G. Muruganandham Research Scholar, Bharathidasan University, Trichy
Keywords: Engineering College libraries, digital library services, Resource sharing, Academic libraries


Users of modern digital libraries (DLs) can keep themselves up-to-date by searching and browsing their favorite collections, or more conveniently by resorting to an alerting service. The alerting service notifies its clients about new or changed documents. So far, no sophisticated service has been proposed that covers heterogeneous and distributed collections and is integrated with the digital library software. During the past recent years, there has been tremendous development reaming the concept of digital libraries - a knowledge base that can be stored and retrieved through on - line networks. Digital libraries are the most complex form of information systems that support digital document preservation, distributed database management, hypertext, filtering, information retrieval and selective dissemination of information. This has really overcome geographical barrier offering wide range of academic, research and cultural resources with multimedia effects which can be accessed around the world over the distributed networks. The paper examines the concept of Digital library, the technology that has enabled its emergence & architecture of digital library system.

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How to Cite
Eswaran, D., & Muruganandham, G. (2017). Advantage to Engineering College Libraries in the Digital ERA. Shanlax International Journal of English, 5(2), 45-50. Retrieved from