The Graphic of Identity Exertion in Indian English Fiction

  • T.R Deepak Head and Assistant Professor, Department of English, Government First Grade College, K. R. Nagar, Mysore, Karnataka, India
Keywords: India, Identity, Exertion, Search, Fiction, Society, Protagonist


The whole world has been witnessing speedy advances in the meadow of science, technology, and communication. These advancements have antagonized the cultural issues both at the national and international level. The cultural issues have fashioned an exemplary transference in comprehending the notions of character and identity. Culture is the most imperative ingredient of human animation for refining and nourishing the quality of life. India is a country where an individual is able to visualize the juxtaposition of different cultures, traditions and heritages. These elements have successfully sowed the needs of unity in diversity for the betterment of cultural bonding among the citizens. The ideals of culture are very much bestowed in arts, history, philosophy, language and literature.
Literature is an exhibition of human disposition in verbal, non-verbal or written demonstration. Culture is observed as one of the strategic causes in conforming to the archetypes of literature. Many of the writers in Indian English literature have enchanted to epitomize culture as their foremost predicament in their chronicles. Identity of an individual is fabricated on the application of culture in Indian civilization. Change in identities is perceived as the enduring phenomenon of human life. The changed identities of human life are very much shed light in the expositions of Indian English Fiction. Hence, the research paper endeavours to study the graphic of identity exertion in Indian English Fiction within the obtainable charter.

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How to Cite
Deepak, T. (2022). The Graphic of Identity Exertion in Indian English Fiction. Shanlax International Journal of English, 10(2), 14-19.